Should you buy Alexa traffic?
There are many ways to rank the websites’ popularity. But there is one that every website owner must have heard of – the Alexa rank. So what exactly is Alexa website ranking? In short – it’s a global ranking of websites by their popularity. A website’s position in the ranking is calculated based on the average daily unique visitors count and the number of pageviews, over the period of the last 3 months. Unlike many other rankings – with Alexa, you WANT to have the lower rank. is ranked #1, so you get the picture. Ok, but should you buy Alexa traffic?
We already know that Alexa ranks websites by their popularity. Both, the number of unique visitors AND the number of page views are taken into account, so increasing the number of those – should affect the ranking. It isn’t as simple as that, though. Alexa gathers the information based only on the data from internet users with the Alexa Toolbar browser extension installed.
Is Alexa Traffic Rank Accurate?
Well – kind of. Alexa is limited by the number of users with the browser extension installed. And this, in turn, means that it has a lot less information to work with than Google. Regardless of that – it is still an important tool and Alexa website ranking is something that the potential advertisers, clients and business partners often pay attention to.
How to improve Alexa ranking
The best way to improve your website’s Alexa ranking is by writing valuable content regularly. This is a great SEO tactic anyway so regardless of any other activities you may engage into – make sure to do that too. Good content will boost the number of visitors coming to your website, while also boosting your Alexa ranking. There are also other ways to achieve that goal, like making your visitors click through page after page just to read a single article. Be careful with such ideas, though, as they can hurt your site more than they help. Who likes to come back to a website which makes them jump through hoops just for a bit of content?
Should you buy Alexa traffic?
Alexa web traffic is another way to increase your position. It’s a quick and cost-effective way to send users with Alexa Toolbar installed, to your website. This means that with a little investment you could start improving your Alexa Rank without having to constantly work on new, interesting content. Buying Alexa website traffic can give you a real advantage over competition. It is cheap (from $17 per 5000 visitors) and it’s guaranteed to improve your Alexa Rank over time.
Where to buy Alexa traffic?
If you want to make sure that the Alexa website traffic you get, is of the highest quality and will do the job – check out the GEO & Niche Targeted traffic from This high-quality website traffic is 100% real and will improve your Alexa rank while bringing targeted visitors to browse through your content. Make sure to select “Alexa” from the Niche drop-down menu to receive only the visitors with the Alexa extension installed.
Please note that since Alexa calculates the rank based on the data from the last 3 months – we recommend that you send Alexa traffic to your website for at least 3 months to see significant results.
Good luck and happy Alexa boosting!