Why Do You Need More Website Visitors In 2023? (Top 5 Reasons) – UPDATED for 2023

More Website Visitors

Why Do You Need More Website Visitors In 2023? (Top 5 Reasons) – UPDATED for 2023

There are nearly 1.9 billion websites online today according to internetlivestats.com. And this number is increasing at an incredible rate. It means that there is a website out there on pretty much any topic you can imagine. It also means that there are many webmasters, many different strategies and many types of audiences. But most of those websites have one thing in common – they need traffic. They do, however, need it for a broad range of reasons. Today we will look at reasons why you (and your website) may need more website visitors. 

There are many reasons why attracting more traffic to your website can be useful to you. Below are some of the most important ones in no particular order: 

1. You need more traffic to attract more clients and increase your sales

This must be the most self-explanatory point on this list. If your website gets plenty of traffic, it also means that there is a better chance that some of them may convert to paying customers. If your website has a conversion rate of 2% – the best way to cash in on it is by making it a 2% out of a larger number of visitors…

2. You need more traffic to sell advertising space on your website

One of the first things any potential advertiser will want to know about your website is how much traffic your website receives. The number of visitors that arrive at it is a good indication of how many potential clients their ad will be shown to. In general, the more traffic, the higher the potential ad revenue. There are, of course, other metrics that are important too but nobody will get as far as checking them if there isn’t enough traffic, to begin with. 

If you want to attract ad revenue, you need to have enough high-quality traffic flowing through your website. It’s as simple as that. 

3. You need more traffic to sell your website (so improve your website’s statistics first)

This is a similar case to advertising. If you want to sell your website, one of the first things any potential buyer will check is how much traffic does your website attract. More traffic suggests more popularity, which means greater reach, which means – more potential clients and/or ad revenue. If you look for an online business for sale, one of the first details you will see – is how much traffic it attracts each month. It’s a measure of the website’s potential but also gives you a good indication of its SEO. Driving more high-quality traffic to your website can also improve bounce rate and multiple other statistics that indicate the website’s health. 

4. You need more traffic to improve your position in Google (boost SEO)

Getting to the top of Google’s SERP (Search Engine Results Page) is something most webmasters dream of. The higher your website ranks – the more people will see it. The more people will see it, the more potential clients will visit it etc. What is also important, though, is that the more traffic your website gets, the higher it will end up in those search results (and will bring in more organic traffic!). Google likes popular websites. If your site gets plenty of traffic over a long period it will significantly help with your SEO efforts. 

5. You need more traffic to increase revenue from affiliate links

If you are into affiliate marketing, more website traffic is directly linked to more revenue for you. Bring more people to your website and you increase the chances that they will click the affiliate link, sign up for more information or purchase a product referred by you. With conversion rates of 0.5% to 1% considered average, it is really all about bringing more visitors to your website. You may not be able to do much about increasing the percentage but you can certainly increase the number this percentage is a part of.


This is by no means a comprehensive list. With nearly 2 billion websites online today, there are of course many other reasons why you need more website visitors.
The bottom line is – it is better to have more visitors than not.

My advice is – keep working on your SEO! It is a lot of work but it’s worth it and will bring you good results in the long run. Optimise your website. Work on quality, engaging content. Make visiting your website a rewarding experience. It will help you attract visitors to your website but also keep them there. 

I recommend that you visit your own website and try to be objective. Try to see it as if it was the first time you ever visited it (I know it’s not easy!). See if you like it and if you would enjoy using it if it wasn’t yours. 

Happy optimising! 🙂

And if you need a shortcut to help move things along in the meantime, you can always get some high-quality website traffic that will help you boost those statistics, reduce bounce rate, improve time on site and is guaranteed to be registered by your Google Analytics. 

Check out Traffic-Fans.com’s bestseller: Premium GEO and Niche Targeted Traffic.

There is a reason why this is our most popular traffic package. We are sure that you will enjoy it too! 

Take care,

The Traffic-Fans Team

P.S. If you mention “Galway” in your order’s comment section – we will add extra 10% traffic on top of your order. 

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