3 Reasons To Get More Organic Traffic

get more organic traffic

3 Reasons To Get More Organic Traffic

Let’s be honest – we all want to get more Organic Traffic. Unfortunately, it is the one type of traffic that is usually the hardest to get. The most reliable way of bringing it in, SEO, takes a lot of time, know-how and/or money. Before we discuss the alternatives, let’s make one thing clear. I strongly advise that you do work on your SEO whether or not you get your traffic from other sources. This is something that will always benefit you in the long run and is definitely worth putting some effort into.

Before we move any further, let’s clarify what Organic Traffic actually is. In the simplest terms, organic visitors are those, who come to your website via an unpaid link on a search engine results page. For example, someone wants to start reselling website traffic. They type “resell traffic” in the Google search bar and then click the first non-ad result listed (which is the traffic-fans.com). At this point, they are redirected to traffic-fans.com and registered as an organic visitor in traffic-fans.com’s on-site analytics.

Organic Traffic can benefit you in many ways. Below we will look at the top 3 reasons to get more organic traffic. 

1. Organic Traffic Helps Your SEO.

All search engines like a website that receives plenty of high-quality traffic. And Organic Traffic certainly first the description. What this means is that the more Organic Visitors your website gets, the more you help its SEO and improve its rankings. This, in turn, means that it attracts even more Organic Visitors, which further improves the ranking which, again, brings more visitors in… The bottom line is – the more Organic Visitors your website attracts, the better it is for its rankings and therefore… for attracting more visitors too. 

Please note, however, that this doesn’t happen overnight. You need a steady influx of high-quality visitors over an extended period of time to see good results (at least 60-90 days). The good thing is – the results will be noticeable and long-lasting. 

2. Organic Traffic Looks Great In Google Analytics

If you look at a website’s Analytics report and see that it receives plenty of Organic visitors, it tells you a few things about it. It suggests that the website has engaging content that brings visitors in, and that the work that has been invested into that website’s SEO, is paying off. 

Organic visitors are one of the first things that everyone is looking at when checking those GA reports. Anyone can have as much paid ad traffic as they want (or can afford). High numbers of Organic Visitors, on the other hand, paint a completely different picture. High-quality Organic Traffic is a lot harder to get. 

Some webmasters even go as far as using paid Organic Traffic to artificially boost Organic Visitor levels in their Analytics before selling their websites. We, however, do not condone such behaviour.

3. Organic Visitors are Free (Or Really Cheap)

If you ever paid for Google Ads you know that it isn’t cheap. Rates of $1-$50 per click are common so if you are trying to compete for a more popular keyword – you better have some pretty deep pockets. The good thing about Organic Traffic is that once your SEO starts to bring it in, it literally costs you nothing. If you optimise your website well and fill it with high-quality and engaging content, people will start finding you on those search result pages and your Organic Visitors counter will start moving up steadily. 

Alternatively, you can actually buy Organic Traffic from Google, Organic Traffic from Bing, Yahoo, Yandex or other major search engines. And all of it at just a fraction of what you would have to pay for Google (or Bing) ads. It’s also so much simpler! Just select how many visitors you need, which search engine you want them from, decide how quickly you want to receive them and provide the target URL. You will start receiving a steady flow of Organic Visitors within just 24 hours.

Traffic-Fans.com offers high-quality Organic Visitors starting from just $30 for 10,000 visitors. You can choose from multiple local Google search engines (google.de, google.co.uk, google.ca, google.ru etc) and multiple GEO targeting options.

If you need an inexpensive way to boost your Organic Traffic numbers and help your SEO efforts – you came to the right place.
And if this all seems too good to be true – we understand! But we put money where our mouth is. Ask us for a free Organic Traffic trial today and let us prove to you that when we promise something – we always deliver

Contact us today at support(at)traffic-fans.com or via the on-site chat and we’ll be happy to answer all of your questions. We’ll also hook you up with the highest-quality, most inexpensive Organic Traffic available on the market today. And once you’re happy with the trial – make sure to ask us for a discount code for your first purchase.

Our goal is to make Traffic-Fans.com the last website traffic provider you will ever need. 

You have been warned 😉

The Traffic-Fans Team

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